Worship Set Lists - 10/17-18/09 & 10/24-25/09

Flip Flop - a view from another shoe series

Take it All
'Til I See You

Commitment Song:

Guest Speaker: Joe Champion

Let God Arise
Your Name High
Sing Sing Sing

Commitment Song:
In Your Freedom

Meet the Team: Logan Dan

Meet the Team: Logan Dan from Jordan Becnel on Vimeo.

Worship Set Lists - 10/3-4/09 & 10/10-11/09

Flip Flop - a view from another shoe series
Let God Arise
So In Love
To Know Your Name

Special Song:
Things You don't say to your wife

Commitment Song:
Arms Open Wide

All Because of Jesus
To Deserve
Lead Me To The Cross
I Believe

Commitment Song:
Find Your Wings

Dirt Conference 2009

Man so pumped about Dirt! Who knew that things like Dirt would make me excited!

On Nov. 10th & 11th, just a month away, Kristin and I will be speaking at the Dirt Conference - It's a creative conference for churches.

Dirt is a non-typical creative church conference held at New Life Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. A conference that you can pull back the curtain and see what you can do with where your at right now as a church?

Gaining attainable goals and the tools and personal connections to get whatever creative idea God gives you and see it accomplished.

Dirt. Something from nothing.

For me what i'm most excited about is the speakers. They have some ridiculous speakers this year including my wife and my brother in law, and one of Bayside's very own Colt Sammons.

Here's there bio's from the site, pretty funny:

Kristin Becnel
Creative and coordination combined in one person - and Bayside Community Church looks amazing because of it.

Brad Duplechain - My Brother In-law
Softball fanatic, destroyer of all things creative, and communications guru for Healing Place Church.

Colt Sammons
Colt can create environments with whatever, whenever and whoever. He can also walk a 12 foot ladder forward and backwards over 23 feet while singing "Don't You Want Me Baby".