What worship means to me!

Louie Giglio says it like this:

"Worship is our response, both personal and corporate, to God for who He is and what He has done, expressed in and by the things we say, and the way we live."

I love this definition of Worship. Let me break this down even further with 4 things to think about when thinking of worship:

1.) "Worship is our Response"
What's so amazing to me with this opening statement is that Worship is a response. Meaning God has already taken the first
step. WOW! With like everything we strive for to be more like God, he first had to do it to show us, and teach us. I heard it said
before that we can only Love, because God first Loved us. We can only Forgive because God first Forgave us, and to know the
Worship is no different with God. He loves hanging with us so much that he will always take the first step.

2.) "Both Personal & Corporate"
Worship is not just on Saturday night or Sunday morning services, it's all the time. God does amazing things on the weekend
don't get me wrong but when we make worship part of our daily life we experience God on a HNL (hol 'notha level). Do
something this week. Make time just to spend worship to God, just you and Him, and see what amazing things will come of it.
Bottom line we are worshipping all the time, so why not make your worship to the only one, the only thing that truly deserves
it, Jesus. *Read - The Air I Breathe by Louie Giglio

3.) "To God for who He is, and What He has done"
Something that has been hitting me hard lately is the thought, "Am I in love with the hand of God (what he can do for me) or
am I in love with the heart of God (simply who He is)?" I don't want to be a greedy child always saying gimme, gimme, gimme,
but I want to be a thankful child, to live in the house of God, under His protection, with His arms wrapped around me, just
loving my father. How about you? What side of God are you in love with?

4.) "The things we say, and the way we live"
Gandhi said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." How are you
representing God in your life and in your speech? Can people tell that you are madly in Love with Christ, a Christ follower, a
Worshipper of God? If we truly worship God in the heart, with the first 3 points in mind, then I believe we can resemble God in
the light that he truly deserves. We can then take on the job of being his hands and feet effectively and show Gandhi whats up.

Food for thought.


September 16, 2010 at 3:21 PM Anonymous said...

He's amazing! What a beautiful blessing. We are coming down at Christmas to meet him! :)

September 16, 2010 at 3:22 PM Anonymous said...

wrong post. grr.

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