Worship Set List - 7/18-19/09

This weekend we had a great guest speaker with us Pastor Rick Bezet, he was speaking on "to be in the world but not of the world." So I knew that this weekend we needed to bring down some walls that people had up in there lives. To show them the benefit of living in Christ not just seeing Him as an acquaintance. So here's our song set to try and accomplish this goal of breaking down walls and challenging people to live for Christ.

Worship Set List - 7/18-19/09

Salvation Is Here
When I think about this song in a congregational setting i think about the Unchurched, Uncommited, Undecided singing 'Salvation Is Here.' I just have this picture of God just opening up the hearts of everyone in the church ready to be changed forever. Breaking down some walls with 3 powerful Words 'Salvation Is Here.'

My Future Decided
Again another song with wall breaking words to say out loud what Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I have plans for you' says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm me, a future and a hope for me."
For the unchurched, uncommited, undecided to say this! Wow. A lot of times for me I find that this is a very common question in a church like ours. 'Why am I here?' and people want to know this, they would love to sense a fulfillment of accomplishing what God has them on this earth to do.

Mighty to Save
"Savior He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save. Forever Author of Salvation, He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave."
To be in this world but not of this world, and we can do that when we keep our eyes on the one who is Mighty to Save us from anything we face day to day.

You Deserve
Another Praise song to bring down the walls to receive the word God has for us. I love this bridge in this song: "I can't imagine a life without You, without You, cause it's all for You, yes it's all for You God" again living for God to be in this world but not of it.

Commitment Song:
And finally to drive the point home..."this world has nothing for me, I will follow you"

My prayer is that people left this place with there eyes on Jesus and not on themselves and that they start to live for Him, through Him, and in Him. Because it's there where they will find true purpose in life, and true fulfillment. Break down the walls in our lives God that we make do what you need us and are calling us to do.


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